Commercial Residential

CK Designworks was appointed by the Nanjing Pukou regional government of the People’s Republic of China in August 2010 to carry out a strategic master plan of approximately 20 square kilometres of residential, commercial, industrial and rural land. The objective of the study was to investigate the creation of a “Hi Tech Zone” and build upon and upgrade the basic framework of some existing buildings in the area.

The brief called for a “cutting edge” approach to the master planning of the area and the concept design of major buildings. The master plan and buildings were to be designed to the latest standards of sustainability and international design.


CK Designworks along with their sub-consultants ERM, Elite Real Estate and Property Solutions, undertook several visits and study tours of the area and met with many government officials who were extremely helpful in establishing the design principles in this study.

The Pukou regional government has the opportunity to create one of the most modern commercial developments in the world. A precinct which will inspire other governments, attract corporations from around the world and showcase China’s move to develop sustainable cities.

The vision is to create a city with a story; a story that respects the history and culture of Nanjing and at thesame time projects the most modern image to the world.

Riverine housing 2

The following is a narrative that tells the story of our concept & how it is reflected in our masterplan.

‘A long time ago, a handsome young prince was sitting in a garden by a stream near the Yangtze River. He wanted to find a way to make all of his people prosperous and happy. On the banks of the stream were the most beautiful pebbles he had ever seen; he thought they must have fallen as flowers from the sky. On the water was a brilliant golden butterfly sitting on a leaf that had floated down from the mountains.

The prince was so enchanted by the beauty surrounding him he wanted to tell everyone, so he threw a pebble into the water. It made such a splash that everyone turned to look
and people came from all around. The ripples travelled outwards carrying the leaf and the butterfly with them. As the ripples touched the shore, all of the houses turned into the
beautiful images of the pebbles and the butterfly flew to them one by one bringing peace, prosperity and happiness to everyone who lived in them.

People came from all over the world to see this beautiful place and today, if you look carefully, in a special place in Nanjing, you can still see the splash the prince made, the beautiful pebble houses and the butterflies. If you look down, you will still see the stream and the beautiful gardens. If you look up you will see the mountains. It is said that if you
take your time, like the prince and study all of these things, respect the softness and tranquillity they represent, you will have eternal peace, prosperity and happiness.’