How much do architects charge to draw up plans?

Costs for drawing up plans vary depending on your situation. For example, if you are unsure of your construction costs or do not have a set budget, an architect may charge you either a flat rate fee based on your house size or an hourly fee. If you are employing an architect for the sole purpose of obtaining plans for your home, they may charge around 5% of the total building costs. An example of this would be a renovation that costs $200,000, likely incurring a fee of $10,000. To get an accurate quote, it is recommended that you to speak to an architect and have them assess your situation so that they can give you an estimated cost. Please give us a call on 03 8658 4000 or email and we would be happy to assist you with this.

Can you negotiate architect's fees?

Architects typically structure their fees in 3 ways.
1. An agreed fixed price is negotiated during the preliminary design consultations with your architect. However, if your plans change your fee may change too.
2. An hourly fee is often used if you only need partial services, for example, plans for a town planning permit or contract administration services.
3. A percentage-based fee is the most common fee structure and can also be negotiated at the beginning of the process however, is also subject to change if the scope of work required changes significantly.

Is it worth getting an architect?

A great architect will help you bring all the ideas you have in your head to life.  With their education and experience, they can help you produce a detailed design based precisely on your needs and wants.  Aside from the design work, an architect can also help you plan and manage the build.  They can help you obtain permits and find builders and work with you to ensure the construction process is going smoothly and within budget, saving you a lot of work yourself.

Should I use an architect or a builder?

A builder and architect each have very different roles in construction. A builder is in charge of the actual construction of the project and manages all trades and materials required. An architect is involved in the project from the conceptual design, assisting with all town planning and building permits required, producing construction documentation and can provide services as contract administrator during the build. If you’re doing a simple and straightforward renovation you may only need a builder, however if you’re looking at a more complex renovation or are building your own home entirely, an architect is essential person in the design process.  Architects can use their expertise to customise the design of your house to fit your needs and values, whether that be optimum natural light and ventilation, layout and circulation through your home, space efficiency and storage solutions while maintaining your desire design aesthetic.  For the best possible results for your home, use both a builder and an architect.

Should I hire an architect to design my house?

The design of both unique luxury homes and simpler homes will benefit from using an architect. The advantage of using an architect to design your house is that you’re getting years of experience and design knowledge. Architects can help you design your home in a way that is most optimal for you and that maximizes all that your land has to offer.

Can I design homes without being an architect?

Australia is unusual in that you don’t require an architect to design your home. You could do it yourself and get it drawn up by a suitably qualified person, as long as you follow all relevant building regulations and standards and obtain all necessary permits.
There are three leading professionals in Australia associated with designing homes: architects, building designers, and crafts people. An architect’s primary focus is on design, and are required to have the highest level of education, Master’s degree, and register with the ARBV in order to become an Architect.
A building designer’s focus is on technical drafting. Their necessary qualifications vary by state, but in Victoria, they need to have a diploma.
A draftsperson has either studied at TAFE or has learned how to draw buildings on the job.

How do I choose the right architect for my home?

To choose the right architect for your project you should start by looking for an architect who has experience in the type of project you’re undertaking. Architects are trained to design spaces that suit their client’s design taste. However, style and personal taste are important and if you see an architect with designs you enjoy, you’re likely to be happy with what they design for you.

How much does an architect cost

Many architects typically charge between 5% and 20% of the total construction costs. Some architects may also charge a fixed fee or an hourly rate. The cost to hire an architect will depend on: the services the architect is offering, the type of property you’re building or renovating, how complex the project is, and the land’s geography.