Spring is well and truly in full swing. CKA has a range of exciting new projects in the pipeline as well as another new staff member. Marjorie Chim has joined us as interior designer and she has hit the ground running.
Hanke on Tram
The official launch of this CKA designed project recently took place with the Mayor if the City of Manningham, Cr. Andrew Conlon, and the first tenant Wendy, cutting the ribbon. This apartment building was designed to allow young Australians with complex physical needs to live as independently as possible.
This NDIS compliant complex for our client, Purposed Housing, consists of 8 sole occupancy apartments spread over 3 levels. Providing fully accessible accommodation, each apartment consists of 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, allocated parking, electronic doors, windows, curtains, televisions and other facilities as needed as well as the ability to provide onsite overnight assistance if required.
Exterior of Hanke on Tram
Robert and Wendy in her custom designed apartment
Upcoming Projects
Covid-19 has highlighted the need for upgrades to be made to accommodate any future pandemics. This has opened up an all new area when it comes to special purpose housing. We have been commissioned to work on four different “covid ready” designs for housing that can be locked down in sections should the need arise in the future. These designs could be used in varying circumstances be it emergency accommodation, NDIS housing or aged care facilities.
We have also been appointed to design five homes for special needs teenagers. These have generous bedrooms, living areas, outdoor spaces and accommodation for a supervisor.
Fawkner Project
Warnambool Project
Even though the state is in lockdown that doesn’t mean that we are. There is no rest for the wicked and so the CKA team soldier on. With one of our bigger houses nearing completion a few of our smaller houses have really started to kick off.
An 1,800 sq.m house nearing completion in Wheelers Hill
Despite the current frosty circumstances, our team in Shanghai is continuing to produce a number of significant commercial and residential projects. These are all commencing construction soon and are expected to be complete within 18 months.
CKA has extensive experience with commercial and industrial projects. We currently have our South Dandenong warehouse and industrial development awaiting town planning approval
We have recently received approval for a town planning amendment to this $20m project, with construction expected to start shorty.
After 3 years of Ann and Laura joining forces to harangue Robert, with the addition of Marjorie to the team it was finally decided that it was time for the office to receive a bit of a makeover. Armed with our hopes and dreams (and a bit of a budget), the CKA Glam Squad took on the task of giving the office an all new look. Numerous lockdowns were no match for our combined talents and the finished product turned out better than expected. We have a brand spanking new reception, foyer, boardroom, meeting room and staff lunch room. Now our office looks as fabulous as we do (no posing, just an architectural firm captured in their natural environment).
From our crazy mob to yours, keep your chin up in these trying times and take care of yourselves.
Robert, Ivo, Laura, Jeremy, Vic, Song, Phil, Augustine, Harinat, Marjorie, Ann, Kaye, Melissa, David, Sienna, Willow and Fred.